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Take a Stand -- Keynote.001.jpeg
Take a Stand -- Keynote.001.jpeg

Kevin wrote and produced interactive films that helped pioneer new media.  He wrote four scripts as well as handled story development, casting, and other pre-production logistics. These films were funded by a six-figure Department of Justice grantMTV then acquired the films and repackaged them as their Take A Stand Against Violence interactive films and PSAs. As seen below, rocks stars like Lauryn Hill, Dave Matthews Band, Green Day, and more enthusiastically participated. 

computer films were the conerstone of the content, allowing viewers to use their mouse to navigate various interactive-films' plots.  Viewers could resolve conflict or worsen it -- entertaining and educating themselves in the process. One million discs were shipped to high school students and other key demographics. One year later, youth violence plummeted 30%. President Bill Clinton praised MTV project in his radio address at the White House as did Senator John McCain.

Imagine yourself in the these photos' interactive stories.  Your mouse will navigate:
1)  A painful misunderstanding that could destroy a friendship;
2)  A high-school couple's break up and;
3)  Tense race-relations in a Brooklyn diner. 

You write each story, making choices that escalate or de-escalate each plot turn. 
Take a Stand Against Violence co-won MTV the prestigious Governors Emmy -- which is awarded for "extraordinary" filmmaking.

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