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Writer-Producer Kevin Mardesich directs a medical nonprofit

documentary-short from a hospital's rooftop in Cali, Colombia.


Kevin Mardesich helps train young PhDs, politicians, and activists from Eastern Europe re: the power of story as they stand-up for democracy.

Oliver, Janet Yang, Kevin, Tara, and Sea

Writer Kevin Mardesich with Oscar-winning writer, Oliver Stone.

Kevin's former-student producer Sol Aponte (left) and Writer Jennia 
Frederique meet creative genius Steven Spielberg.

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Writer-Director Oliver Stone has won three Oscars.  He joined Kevin's UCLA Extension Story Masterclass to discuss Platoon.

Producers Janet Yang, George Linardos, and Story Editor Kevin (in black) developed the Golden Globe-winning Best Script The People vs. Larry Flynt

Guest speaker horror-director Eli Roth talked best practices in Kevin's Story Masterclass

Guest speaker Microsoft's Jen Buckmaster markets content across
Xbox. She helped broker a Ron Howard film alliance and more deals.

While running Oliver Stone's Story Department, Kevin called writer Geoff Fletcher for a meeting to champion Geoff's talent -- many years before his Oscar win.  He speaks in Kevin's Story Masterclass today.

Kevin co-won NYU's hight-filmmaking honor, the Mobil, for his documentary.

Kevin's student/producer Jean de Meuron's La Femme et le TGV  (The Woman and the Train) was Oscar-nominated for Best Short Film.

Kevin presents on Return of the Jedi in UCLA Extension's Story masterclass. He was interviewed to be VP of development at Lucasfilm. 

Kevin served as a documentary jury member when documentartian

Stanley Nelson (above) received the Career Achievement Award. 

Kevin wrote an article on war journalist Michael Lerner (above).  He co-wrote the acclaimed true-life Beach Boys film Love & Mercy (trailer above).

Kevin interviewed producer Bryan Unkeless (left) of I, Tonya (Margot Robbie).  Bryan also developed The Hunger Games.

Kevin and Dean Georgaris co-teach UCLA Extension's Story Masterclass.  Dean is a showrunner and wrote The Manchurian Candidate starring Denzel Washington.

Kevin at PIXAR's headquarters for a profile-writing assignment.

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Kevin at the Silent River red carpet premiere.

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